I caught up with Chris, today. The phone had an odd ring when it connected. That was due to him being in Sweden. He was roaming the streets and trying to get directions to a meeting. Fortunately, between harassment of unexpecting Swedes, he had some good advice for me and we may end up meeting in Savannah next month. Miller hasn't changed in a decade. The only difference now is that he has some foreign coyotes to beep at.
For the curious, here is Chris' "Where Are They 'Springing Now" update in his own words:
- How were you involved with MindSpring? Tech Support Desk
Tech Support Mngr
Call Centers Director
Harrisburg Director
Network Installer
Network Planning Provisioning and Installations
Dir Enterprise Systems Management
- What was one of your favorite adventures at MindSpring?
Landing in H'burg and setting the H'burgers free from the wicked witch.
Hiring masseuses for the Hburg holiday dinner in the dungeon to give half naked massages at the table to Charles, McQ and JonR
- Share a memorable event from MindSpring?
Charles singing at company meetings
the back deck party we had
'Spring events around the country
McQ getting pied on the back deck
- What is something other SpringHeads might not have known about you in those days?
Hhm, I think it was pretty well all disclosed
- Why did you part ways with MindSpring?
I never did. MindSpring parted from me when Gary Betty took over.
- What are you up to these days?
Social/Economic Entrepreneur
- city branding
- urban dev
- econ dev
- strategic foresight
- technology consulting
travel - Africa, Scandanavia, Europe
sailing - E. Coast
- Did you learn any lessons at MndSpring that you still carry with you?
CVB's have been an integral part of all my for and non-profit endeavors since. Also learned that results kick process in the ass everytime.
1 comment:
Excellent to hear something from Mr. Miller! CVs&Bs rule!
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